
Copenhagen Latitude Attitude

Copenhagen, Denmark–At 55 degrees north latitude (for comparison, Chicago is almost 42 degrees north) the summer sun shines for 18 hours a day in Copenhagen. As long as it doesn’t rain. Last Saturday, it poured and poured, flooding basement shops, restaurants, and the inner workings for many businesses. Some subway lines closed and trains were rerouted. We watched boxes of cookies and candy float in filthy water in one nearby shop, which was closed for more than a week as a result.

Most of the city was without hot water, as it shares one common system.

But the sunny days that followed more than made up for the lack of hot showers (cold, quick bath, anyone?) and minor inconveniences. And the Danes took it all in stride, apologizing for system failutres, and carrying on with aplomb. Bicyclists were back in full force the day after the rain, as commuters pedaled to work, and tourists crowded the cycle lanes.

Science Daily called the Danes the world’s happiest people. On a sunny summer day in Copenhagen, I can see why.